The Academy Institutional 4-Way Test       

1. Are your online faculty  qualified to teach on-ground as well as online?

  • How much will it cost to develop their skills?

2. Are your online faculty PhD qualified in the discipline they teach?

  • Are they experts in the field you are asking them to teach? 

3. Are your online distance education programs "RESPECTED"?

  • Or are they thrown together just to stay competitive?

4. Does your online course offerings provide superior quality?

  • Do they match traditional classroom courses in content & quality? 

The Academy 4-Way Test for institutions of higher learning is wrapped in a traditional accreditation scenario that demands the implementation and delivery of each and every new online course adhere to certain principles of acceptable academic standards:

  • Is the content of the course, or can it be, accredited?
  • Is the accrediting agency recognized domestically and/or internationally?
  • Can superior faculty and administration be retained to teach the program?
  • Is the school able to provide online education the commitment it requires?
  • Does the school recognize it has the opportunity to set standards for other institutions?
  • Does the program have the capability to be competitive?_________________________________________________________________


Online education permits an endless opportunity to enter the worldwide audience of hungry learners. The Academy is poised to be both your guide and assistant in the trek through American and international accreditation processes. 

Contact us today.